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Your Catering and Event Planning Experts

Your event is your chance to shine, to entertain, and to honor. At Three Tomatoes Catering, serving the Denver Metro Area and the State of Colorado, we understand that you’re creating a memory that will last a lifetime and that everything about it needs to be right. That’s why we utilize the finest local sources for all of our fresh ingredients to achieve culinary excellence and exemplary service. We’re dedicated to delivering impeccable catering and event planning, inspired design, and catering options.

We offer a wide range of savory and sweet gourmet food to match any occasion. From our mouthwatering grilled steaks and seafood to our Italian-inspired pasta and vegetarian dishes, we can create a custom menu for your event that your guests will love. Through our selected vendors, we also offer stylish place settings, lighting, and table décor that will make an amazing impression.

CUSTOMER CARE: For unlimited Free Consultations, contact us at 303-433-3332,, or schedule a call here. Happy to assist BEFORE and AFTER you place your order. In addition to our utmost food quality, service and customer care, you will receive:

  • PRICE TRANSPARENCY: To provide you with total clarity about our charges we publish online our menu prices and descriptions.
  • CUSTOMIZABLE ALL-INCLUSIVE PACKAGES: You can personalize your Menu Package by selecting the food options of your choice. FOOD, ONSITE STAFFING, and BASIC RENTALS are included in the price.
  • MENU ESTIMATES/PROPOSALS: For a quick and precise menu estimate please complete the online booking and stop before checking out. The system will recap your items and charges. After starting the online booking process, you do not have to checkout necessarily. Prices don’t include Transportation Fee, Admin Fees, and Sales Taxes.
  • ORDER/MENU CHANGES: After submitting your initial order online, you can easily make changes to it. Charges will be automatically adjusted. Changes to your order are permitted up to, but no later than, 10 business days before your event date.

Get a Quick Estimate or Book Online Now! To book an event catering or to get a get a quick estimate ONLINE please click HERE. You may also click directly on our ESTIMATES/BOOK ONLINE button on our menu bar at the top of our website. You will find the acclaimed quality of our food & service along with the typical convenience of smooth online booking/ordering.

For fully staffed events, the main benefits of our catering online booking are:

Customer Care

For food deliveries, please place your online order here. We deliver 7 days a week for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Thank you!

Estimates/Book Online Contact Us

Order Food Delivery

beautifully set table

Professional Service, Elegant Presentation

At Three Tomatoes Catering, we’re proud to offer a variety of professional food menus and services to ensure your event is coordinated, enjoyable, and elegant. Our team of professional chefs, supervisors and servers will work hand in hand with you to ensure your occasion is a success. Our services include:

We’ll ensure every detail is taken care of. Find out more about our international event planning and catering services by contacting us today.

Salmon over Green Beans and Potatoes

Culinary Excellence

Culinary excellence comes with experience and a passion for delivering high-quality cuisine. At Three Tomatoes Catering, we’ve built a reputation throughout Colorado for offering signature gourmet dishes, exquisite domestic and event planning, and unmatched client service.
We’ll listen to you, offer stylish and exciting options to ensure your event goes off without a hitch. We can organize any size of event, from weddings to large-scale corporate events, and we’ll ensure you’re more than satisfied with our service.

Make Your Occasion Memorable

When you plan a special event catering menu, you’ll want it to be perfect for the guest of honor and for your other guests. At Three Tomatoes Catering, we treat each event as if it were our own family affair. Our team of professional chefs, servers, and professional event planners will listen to you and ensure every aspect of your meal is excellent.

In addition to our catering, from table and place settings to lighting, floral, and room décor, we can create a theme and style you want for your day. We’re happy to liaison with any third-party planner, and we can oblige almost any special request. Make your occasion memorable by contracting the finest catering and international event planning service in the Denver, CO, metro area.