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Catering & Event Planning

When it comes to large-scale events, Three Tomatoes Catering has seen and catered it all, from festivals and concerts to fundraising galas and corporate conferences. We have over 40 years of experience providing top-quality food catering, event planning services, vendor management and, lighting and décor rentals and so on. We can help create an event that matches your tastes, your goals, and your budget.

We work with several major vendors throughout the State and can ensure your venue has the right décor, floral arrangements, and dining options. We can liaison with your vendors and oversee your crowd control operations to ensure all attendees move safely and in an orderly manner. No matter your request, we’ll strive to see it happen, and we’re happy to answer all of your questions.

CUSTOMER CARE: For unlimited Free Consultations, contact us at 303-552-2723,, or schedule a call here. Happy to assist BEFORE and AFTER you place your order.

Serving Food

Any Venue, Any Event

Creating a welcoming space in your venue can be challenging without knowing your options. At Three Tomatoes Catering, we have access to a wide variety of theming elements, lighting options, and floral arrangements. We can work with your timetable and your budget to create a venue that will leave a cherished memory for your patrons.

We also offer delicious and savory catering options that we’ll be happy to customize to your preferences. We’ve served countless organizations in the Boulder, CO, and Denver metro areas for over 40 years, and we’re happy to meet your needs and exceed your expectations.

Fresh Food on Blue Table

Reliable Service, Exquisite Fare

You can plan the venue and you can prepare for your guests, but when it comes to relying on professional event planning and waitstaff, anything can happen. At Three Tomatoes Catering, service is our specialty. We train our team members to be courteous, professional and we’re happy to oblige special requests. Whether you need a bartender, event planner, or on-site vendor management, we’ll ensure every aspect of your public event is coordinated perfectly.

We’ve built a reputation for unmatched service and innovative event design in Colorado. We offer a wide selection of choice cuisine that ranges from grilled meats and poultry to freshly made vegetarian fare, Italian-inspired dishes, and other gourmet classics your guests will love.

Stylish Lighting and Décor Design Options

Do you want spectacular lighting and floral décor for your next public event? Call Three Tomatoes Catering, the one-stop service that can handle every detail of your occasion in Boulder, CO, and the Denver metro area. We offer stylish floral arrangements, state-of-the-art lighting, and expert event planning services that will keep your guests entertained, fed, and happy.

Our menus of seasonal delights, savory entrees, and scrumptious appetizers are made from the freshest ingredients that are locally sourced from trusted providers. We can customize our meal options to fit your needs, and our on-site coordinator will be there to oversee your wait-staff, vendors, and entertainment so you can relax and enjoy the day.